The UNISA Enterprise CPD (Continuous Professional Development) platform provides UNISA Alumni with easy, accessible and affordable access to the latest professional skills development topics relevant to the future workplace.
Ensure you meet your career milestones, and use our CPD topics to develop your future focussed career plan.
We are your partner helping you navigate a disruptive and changing profesional world with more than 70 career focussed CPD topics, including:
- Emotional intelligence,
- Leading vs. Managing ,
- Fraud Prevention, Detection and Response,
- Developing your digital mindset,
- Demystifying Artificial Intelligence,
- Blockchain for Global Supply Chain,
- MBAExpress: Smarter Decision Making,
- MBAExpress: Risk Management,
- MBAExpress: Masterful Marketing,
- MBAExpress: Creativity and Innovation.
Subscribe now and receive all the latest updates on our new CPD offering.